Christina Kubisch
born in Bremen in 1948, studied music and painting. Her work combines visual and acoustic elements.

She is a Professor of Audio-Visual Arts at the academy of Fine Arts, Saarbrücken. She has had international solo exhibitions since the seventies and numerous releases with  various labels.



"Tea Time (Autumn Leaves Mix)"



Birding is a technique which allows humans to recognize birds by their songs and calls. The birds are arranged according to acoustic similarity into groups such as trillers, whistlers, name-sayers and so on. Birds from very different geographical origins can suddenly can meet because of the similarities attached to the translations of their song; translations like "trees, trees, murmuring trees … tea cattle … tea cattle … here I am, where are you?"

Tea time is a meeting of birds based on the meanings of birding conversation. Some serious ornithologists say that anyone who spends a reasonable amount of time developing the technique of "birding" will obtain enough knowledge to recognize the original voices. Hopefully, after listening to Tea Time you might hear bird songs in a different way.

(original version 2003, new mix 2007) New Mix of Tea Time for Autumn Leaves.


Voice: Ed Osborn
Original recorded in the Electronic studio of the Technical University of Berlin
Original Sound engineer: Onnen Bock
Technical engineer on this version: Eckie Güther

Length: 4:57