


from nowhere to conscientious

I started in the early 80ies to make my own sound as H 6 4. At first I was influenced by the aesthetics of Futurism and Dada – an antistatement of society and music. Franz de Waard of Vital called my music as some of the hardest music in Europe. I was active in Cassettemusicscene with two Labels (DDT-Tapes and EX) and in the Mailart Network. I make a fanzine called "Magazine". Some years later I discover the possibilities of natural sound phenomena – the structure and signals of being there. In 1991 I formed the "Hör-Bar" with Y-Ton-G and Malte Steiner, a music club for the advancement of experimental music with monthly concerts and change mine musical name in tbc. The main idea was to make a room for exchange of musical ideas and the possibility to meet musicians from around the world.


Then I started my own record label with smartman Stickel: "Wachsender Prozess" for noise culture based sounds. Now he disfuctioned and make his own business. Together with Günter Reznicek (Nova Huta) und Felix Knoth (Felix Kubin, Klangkrieg) publication of a magazine (Odradek) about electroacoustic and electronic music, which life without them today. Also the production of a two weekly radio program (Radio Gagarin) dealing with experimental music by FSK, a local autonomy radio station: live session, interview and affinity. Realization of own short films, art stuff and active as DJ (Nachtschwestern/FSK and Crossfadeentertainment parties, to name a few) and sound mixer. I done several Performances with the improvisional electronic group Six and More.


A New Project with Jan Iwers aka No called Freie Hand was born in 1999 for exploration of rhythmical biostructures in electronic sound manipulation. It was a electronic improvisational live group with several live performances. Its now dysfunctional after successful live performances. A new performance noise group with bass player and record label owner Guy Saldanha is active now. Another successful collaboration was with Heiner Metzger from the H7 organization of improvised music. They are some mail music projects: Brume, Artificial Memory Trace, Das Synthesche Mischgewebe. Also some interactive sound installation with Istari Lasterfaher and label art exhibition at different spaces. Today he played in the improvisation noise group 180 Grad and drink some beer, if he bored. tbc is a citizen of Elgaland/Vargaland.




H 6 4

I. Sampler, DDT Tapes, 1982

Suicides, DDT Tapes, 1983

DDT!83!,Compilation, DDT Tapes, 1983

Psychatrie, Ex, 1983

Frustration, Ex, 1983

Fragmente und Variationen, Ex, 1983

imaginäre Leben, Ex, 1984

Musik Für Kriege I, Bunker Produkt, 1985

Musik für Kriege II, Bunker Produkt, 1985

Lettre Sur Le Progrés Des Science, V, 1986

Tortur – Leid, V, 1987

Waffensystem A, V, 1987



SELBSTPORTRAIT, Cassette, Wachsender Prozess, 1992

ABSCHIED AUS BERNE, Compilation, Wachsender Prozess, 1995

CAMP IMPERIAL,Collabartion with Mense Reents, Compilation, L´Age D´Or, 1996

WHY DO BIRDS SING?, Cassette, Wachsender Prozess, 1997

NAßKLICKERSPRUDEL, Split Lp with Reznicek, Wachsender Prozess, 1998

MEDUSAMUSIK, FLOß DER, Compilation with one track from tbc, K.VH. 1999

NATURA MAGICA – THE POWER OF NATURE, Compilation, Poetry &Violence, 1999

NOISE FACTORY 1997, Dokumentation of the workshop, 1999

SIX AND MORE – OISI VOCI, Dokumentation of serveral sessions with six and more musicans, Archegon 1999

RESORT, Cassette, Wachsender Prozess, 2000

AMBIENT INTIMANCY VOL. 4, Compilation, EE-Tapes, 2000

DISCOTHEQUE BRUTISME, Compilation, Erneuter Prozess, 2000


PARADIGMA, Instalation together with Felix Reithel, "Fundbüro"/Hamburg, Germany, 2001

HOUSE UNWILLENTLY, Collaboration with Brume, Wachsender Prozess, 2002

DIENSTbar AT MAGISTRALE, Compilation, CD-ROM, 2002

NATURMATERIALEN AKTION, Action in the Gallery "Dienstbar"/Berlin, Germany, 2002

RRR 500, Looprecord, Lp, RRR Records, 2002

GUTE LUFT, Collaboration with Vappu Kantola, 7", Drone Records, 2002

FREIE HAND, CDr, Reduktive Musiken, 2003

ZERSPLITERTE WIRKLICHKEIT, Splitcassette with Hyph, Antiinformation, 2003

HUNDE I, Collaboration with Xyramat, Asmus Tietchens, Wachsender Prozess, 2003

HUNDE II, Collabartion with Jetzmann, Asmus Tietchens, Wachsender Prozess, 2003

HOT MAIL MUSIC, Cassette, Wachsender Prozess, 2003

DIENSTbar – Protocol 1, Compilation with one track from tbc, 2003

SCHREINE WOLKEN ENERGIE, Splitassette with  Licht-ung, 2004

MARSCHNACK/SÜDERAUE, Cassette, Recordings For The Summer, 2004

STENDAL 1.2 CANCELLED, CDr, Stillstand, 2004

STRANDWASSER OZEAN, CDr, Collabartion with Brume, Wachsender Prozess, 2004

LIEDER ÜBER PFLANZEN UND BÄUME, CDr, Collabartion with Guy Saldanha, Wachsender Prozess 2005

ANTI-GRAVITATION, 7", Collabartion with Guy Saldanha, Knistern 2005

THEY NEVER HIT THE PUBLIC, Instalation in the Gallery "Dada Da Nada"/Hamburg, Germany,  2005

NO ANIMAL CONVICTION, CDr, Wachsender Prozess, 2005

VERFASSUNG, Compilation with one track from tbc, Hör-Bar, 2005

I.NTERPRETATIONS I, Compilation with one track of tbc, Psyclone, 2005  


tbc, c/o Thomas Beck, Kampstr. 22, 20357 Hamburg, Germany, Tel.: +43- (O)40 – 68 98 35 56, e-mail: tbc@gmx.org



tbc: "Pfalz II" (Gr 054/08)