A Book of Standard Equinoxes | Domenico Sciajno and Kim Cascone | Artwork: Kim Cascone


A Book of Standard Equinoxes | Domenico Sciajno and Kim Cascone

GrD 06 | Audio CD > [Sold Out]


A Book of Standard Equinoxes a document of a live collaboration between Domenico Sciajno and Kim Cascone. A dynamic, intense, and tight 60 minute improve without cuts or edits. "We think it is a rare example in which improv gets very close to composition". These veteran sound artists create an engrossing mass of sound using Max/MSP, generated sounds, and location recordings from Madrid, Spain and Domenico’s hometown of Palermo, Italy.


A Book of Standard Equinoxes:



Edition: 500
Total Length: 60+min
Artwork: Kim Cascone
Gruenrekorder / Germany / 2009 / GrD 06 / LC 09488


Domenico Sciajno Bio:

Born in Torino Italy in 1965, double bass player and composer, studyed’Instrumental and Electronic Composition‘ with Gilius Van Bergeijk andDouble bass in the ‚Royal Conservatory‘ of Den Haag in Holland. Insummer 1991 follows the course of High musical specialization in Siena.In 1994 he follows a masterclass in Bruxelles for double bass incontemporay music helded by the specialist Stefano Scodanibbio. Hisinterest for improvisation and the influence of accademic education,bring his research to the creative possibilities given by theinteraction between acoustic instruments, indeterminacy factors andtheir live processing by electronic devices or computers. From 1992 hehas been present in some of the most important festival as musicianimproviser or composer in the contemporary and experimental music sceneand some of his work is documented by some independent labels ofexperimental and electronic music (Leo Records – UK, Fringes, Bowindo,Takla – ITA, Ersthwhile – USA). The wide spectrum of his experiences(that leaded to works like Terra, King Cycle and Objectable) brings himvery close to the concept of performance, where he use texts andelectronics as in previous works in combination with a coreografic useof the scene space and the projection of visuals made by himself. From1994 he is assistant and collaborator of the american composer ofelectro-acoustic music Alvin Curran. Since 1999 he lives in Palermo. In2002 Steim (center for developement of interactive systems for theperformance located in amsterdam, Holland) commissioned him acomposition for a multi channel spazialization system offering him acomposition residency. He made Interactive Sound installations for artgalleries and exhibitions (among these the remarkable Espiral premieredat the Stuttugart FilmWinter festival 2004). Activist in the developement of experimental arts, in 1995 founded the associationAntitesi, from 1995 and 1998 organized concerts and little festivals(Antitesi in musica ’95/’96, Folk it out! ’97, i(n)terazioni ’98,Inaudito! ’99), in 1997 he collaborated to give birth to the Fringesrecord label, in 2003 started toghether with other musicians the labelBowindo and founded the national collective iXem (italian eXperimentalelectronic music). In the edition 2004 of Prix Ars Electronica his workOUR UR in collaboration with Alvin Curran has been prized with anhonorary mention.


DISCOGRAPHY 2004 Our Ur Rossbin – Ita 2003 The D&b Album BowindoRecordings – Ita 2001 Right AfterErstwhile Recordings – Usa 2000 BrokenBridgeFringes Recordings – Ita 1998 IntrioTakla Records – Ita May15thFringes Recordings – Ita 1997 …i Am Surprised While It IsActually Happening… Leolab/leorecords – Uk


SOUND INSTALLATIONS 2004 Stuttgarter Filmwinter Stuttgart , Germany2003 La Vaga Sfera È In Questa ManoTerrasini ( Pa ) – Italia Il SatiroDi MazaraRoma, Italia Il Riciclo Per Immagini Palermo – Italia IlSatiro Di MazaraRoma, Italia Piazza Del Mare (festival DiOrtigia)Siracusa – Italia Il Genio Di Palermo 24-28/09/2003Palermo,Italy Taktlos 2003Berna – Svizzera 2002 Superfici Sonore 2002FirenzeItalia Music In Flight Berna – Svizzera La Vaga Sfera È In QuestaManoLipari – Italia 1996 Dal Nero Al Blu: Percorsi Collegno Torino


Main Collaborations Include:
Alvin Curran, Andy Ex, Atau Tanaka, Cor Fuller, Ellen Christi, ElliotSharp, Ensenble Alter Ego, Fred Frith, Gart Powell, Gert Jan Prins,Gino Robair, Hans Koch, Jean Marc Montera, Jim O‘ Rourke, JoanJeanrenaud, Joel Ryan, John Butcher, Kaffe Mathew, Kim Cascone,Kristoff K’Roll, Le Quan Ninh, Lionel Marchetti, Luc Houtkamp, MartinShutz, Michel Doneda, Mimeo Ensenble, Miriam Palma, Misha Mengelberg,Natocka Nezvanova, Nicola Bernardini, Salvo Cuccia, Shelley Hirsh, TimHodgkinson, Tom Nunn, Toshimaru Nakamura, Uli Phillip, Willy Wynant,Yannis Kiriakides, Yashuhiro Otani, Zack Settel, Otomo Yoshide, Eric M,Zbiniew Karkowsky, Jerome Noetinger.



Kim Cascone Bio:

Kim Cascone has a long history involving electronic music: he received his formal training in electronic music at the Berklee College of Music in the early 1970’s, and in 1976 continued his studies with Dana McCurdy at the New School in New York City. In the 1980’s, after moving to San Francisco and gaining experience as an audio technician, Cascone worked with David Lynch as Assistant Music Editor on both Twin Peaks and Wild at Heart. Cascone left the film industry in 1991 to concentrate on Silent Records, a label that he founded in 1986, transforming it into the U.S.’s premier electronic music label. At the height of Silent’s success, he sold the company in early 1996 to pursue a career as a sound designer and went to work for Thomas Dolby’s company Headspace as a sound designer and composer. After a two year stint at Headspace he worked for Staccato Systems as the Director of Content where he oversaw sound design using algorithmic synthesis for video games. Since 1984, Kim has released more than 30 albums of electronic music and has recorded/performed with Merzbow, Keith Rowe, Tony Conrad, Scanner, John Tilbury, Ikue Mori, and Pauline Oliveros among others.


Cascone was one of the co-founders of the microsound list which focuses on issues concerning digital music and laptop performance (www.microsound.org) and has written for Computer Music Journal (MIT Press), Artbyte Magazine, Contemporary Music Review, Soundcultures and Parachute Journal.