Michael Peters


Michael Peters

is a guitarist, programmer, and composer living near Cologne in Germany. For many years, he has been active in very diverse kinds of music: Guitar playing (extended by using electronic effects, midi, and livelooping techniques) in solo projects, avant rock bands, and open improvisational groups; sampling and cutting up random FM radio broadcasts to use as elements in live improvisation; granular synthesis and other digital methods to create new sounds, often in combination with manipulated field recordings; ambient music; soundscapes and sound collages; underwater field recordings; algorithmic computer compositions. Michael is a member of Looper’s Delight, a very active international community of people who use looping technology for their music making. He also is a seminal and pivotal member of the Chain Tape Collective, a group of dozens of electronic and electro-acoustic composers whose musicians create collaborative music projects together.



Michael Peters: “Field Recordings from Barbados” (Gr 063/09)