Listen | Lasse-Marc Riek


Listen | Lasse-Marc Riek

Gr 009 | Gruen CD-R > [Sold Out]

41 field recordings 1999-2003


The earwitness with the microphone searching for music in daily routine. For "Listen" Riek collected small daily life compositions out of the world of animals and people. Randomly synchronized sounds turn into abstract acoustic events. The field recordings were caught in the cities of Hamburg,Frankfurt/M. and Wahlstedt, on the coast of the Ostsee and in the forests of Schleswig-Holstein and Hessen as well as in the french Pyrenees, in Perpignan/France and Palau de Vidre/France. In terms of an acoustic ecology the listener is encouraged to ask himself: what sort of sounds do we want and which ones do we not want? Is silence death? Should one pay entrance fee to the forest if one wants to listen to the songs of birds? What`s the meaning of silence in our days? What impact had the philosophy of "moozak", the exposure to an endless flow of music, on people and their way of listening?


Among the field recordings one can find soundscape-compositions, noise and sounds of the environment compositionally and technically arranged. After the end of the CD there is silence … or not?


01 Der Fahrstuhl

02 Die S-Bahn 01

03 Das Skateboard 01

04 Die Ratte


05 Das Flugzeug 01

06 Das Wildschwein

07 Die Stadt

08 Der Turm

09 Die Haltestelle

10 Die Landungsbrücke 01


11 Die Heizung

12 Die S-Bahn 02

13 Das Cafe 01

14 Das Auto

15 Das Skateboard 02

16 Das Dach

17 Das Spiel

18 Die Vögel 01

19 Die Glocke

20 Der Hirsch


21 Die S-Bahn 03

22 Die Landungsbrücke 02

23 Die Übung

24 Die Brandbombe

25 Die Destille

26 Das St. Pauli

27 Das Feuer

28 Das Cafe 02

29 Das Grass

30 Die Vögel

31 Das Essen


32 Der Hafen

33 Die Säge

34 Die Tropfen

35 Das Gerät 01

36 Das Feuerwerk

37 Das Gerät 02

38 Die Rinne

39 Die S-Bahn 04

40 Die Mädchen

41 Der Stumme


41 Tracks (52’34“)
CD-R (50 copies)


Gruenrekorder / Germany / 2004 / Gr 009 / LC 09488



by Vital Weekly/Frans de Waard LASSE-MARC RIEK – HÖREN (CDR by Gruenrekorder) The likewise new name Lasse-Marc Riek presents ‚Hören‘, meaning: ‚listening‘. He has forty-one small field recordings from 1999 up to 2003. He presents them as they are: a skateboard, a plane, the metro, the car etc. He does not add anything such as processing or anything else. It’s a likewise fascinating journey. The recordings are quite nice to listen too, even when it’s not always clear: in the piece ‚Das Flugzeug 01‘, there is indeed a plane, but the birds sound much clearer through. And, although I’m not sure if you would run into trouble with the composer, these raw, unprocessed sounds could easily serve for the more adventurous remixers.