Photos from Club Transmediale, Berlin 2008 | Photo by Eelco Borremans


Derek Holzer

[USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio, webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on the often unpredictable details to be found in field recordings and self-built analog electronic sound synthesizers, as well as strategies for collaborations and free and open source software such as Pure Data. He has released tracks under the Nexsound, Mandorla, Sirr, and/OAR and Gruenrekorder labels, and has co-initiated several internet projects for field recording and collaborative soundscapes including Holzer has performed live, improvised electronic music in many venues and festivals in Europe, the US and Brasil. Derek Holzer was supported during 2005-7 by FondsvoorBeeldendeKunstenVormgevingenBouwkunst (Fonds BKVB) of The Netherlands.




Jun – WORM, Rotterdam, NL
May – Landmark, Bergen, NO
May – Raum 18, Berlin, DE
Apr – Catalyst Arts, Belfast, UK
Apr – LoopHole, Berlin, DE
Apr – International Noise Conference, Gallery Wallywoods, Berlin, DE
Mar – Future of Light/Future of Sound, London, UK
Mar – E:vent Gallery, London, UK
Mar – Thursday Club, Goldsmiths, London, UK
Mar – Noise=Noise, Goldsmiths, London, UK
Jan –, Novi Sad, SRB
Jan – xxxxx_temporary_structures, Club Transmediale, Berlin, DE


Aug – Instrument Building, Tesla/Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE
Jun – Neanderthal Electronics, WORM, Rotterdam, NL
May – Neanderthal Electronics, Lydgalleriet/Piksel, Bergen, NO
May – Neanderthal Electronics, NK, Berlin, DE
Apr – Neanderthal Electronics, Queen Street Studios, Belfast, UK
Mar – Pure Data, NK, Berlin, DE
Feb – Neanderthal Electronics, Tartu Art Week, Tartu, EE
Feb – Neanderthal Electronics, Royal Art Academy, Copenhagen, DK
Jan – xxxxx_temporary_structures, Club Transmediale, Berlin, DE
Jan – Pure Data, Belgrade, SRB
Jan – TONEWHEELS, Pickled Feet, Berlin, DE



V.A.: “Recorded in the Field By…” (Gruen 033/06)

V.A.: "Whatnight #3 DATA" (09)