Daniel Blinkhorn


Daniel Blinkhorn

is an Australian composer, sound and digital media artist currently residing in Sydney. His music and audio-visual works are increasingly performed, screened and exhibited at numerous international festivals, conferences, events and other loci, and his works have received over 20 international and national citations.


He has worked in a variety of creative, academic, research and teaching contexts,
has undertaken numerous composition and sound art residencies, and is an ardent location field recordist, where he has embarked upon a growing number of recording expeditions throughout the Amazon, West Indies, Northern Europe, Middle East, Australia and throughout the high Arctic/ northern polar region of Svalbard.


Whilst entirely autodidactic in electroacoustic music, sound art and digital media, he has formally studied at a number of Australian universities including, COFA – UNSW and the University of Wollongong where his doctoral degree in composition (2007) was recommended for special commendation. Other degrees include a BMus (hons), MMus, and a MA(r).


More information about Daniel, as well as samples of his work can be found at
field recordings activities at



Daniel Blinkhorn: „terra subfónica“ (Gruen 117/13)