Reflecting Cau Cau and Parque Urbano El Bosque (binaural) | MP3
This work is composed from three field recordings taken from the Cau Cau Wetlands and the Parque Urbano El Bosque wetlands. The acoustic environments conveyed by the original recordings are rich in activity and different kinds of wildlife, and whilst it was tempting to re-present these in this work, I felt a small amount of sound transformation might draw attention to features that I found particularly interesting – the pitch inflections of the birds, the drones of the distant traffic, the iterative utterances of the nearby frogs. I hope this guided listening journey allows time and space for contemplation.


After completing a BMus in Music (1996) at Goldsmiths College, University of London, Ambrose Seddon composed, produced, and performed electronic music, which was released through a number of independent record labels. During this period, sonic experimentations with field recording, hardware processing, and computer audio led him to discover the extensive possibilities of electroacoustic music. Since 2002 he has focused primarily on electroacoustic music composition, although he also creates interactive multichannel sound installations, collaborates on immersive audiovisual projects, and performs improvised live electronic music. His work is also available on empreintes DIGITALes.


Various artists: „Soundlapse“ (Gruen 207/21)