Nils Mosh - Picture by Sofia Brandes


Nils Mosh
Sound Art / Field Recording / Composition


Nils Mosh is a field recordist, a sound artist and designer from Essen, Germany.


In his works, he explores the spirit of sound from various locations. He always listens to the places in their social context and examines them for the interaction between nature and man-made influences. And in between, he simply opts out of the world and falls in love with the sound of the resonances of a handrail or the delicate chirping of a water beetle.


His first encounter with the wolf was in 2017, when his recording „Das Team“ won 2nd price at the international radio award 60 secondes in Canada.


Besides recording in the wolf territory from 2019-2022 for the release „Of wolves and people“ (Gruenrekorder 214) with Melissa Pons, he presented work at festivals like Tonwelten Festival (2023), Blaues Rauschen Festival (2023) or Weimarer Sommer (2018). He collaborated with dance & perfomance artists for performances in Montreal, Tel Aviv and across Germany.
He also lectures about field recording at the universities in Darmstadt & Duesseldorf. Besides his sound art & field recording work, he also runs the blog Sound of Essen and sells sound effects for games & movies.


Melissa Pons & Nils Mosh: „Of Wolves and People“ (Gruen 214/23)