Somewhere on the edge | Various Artists


L’impossibilité de la voile by Enrico Coniglio | 10:27




“L’impossibilité de la voile” is a soundscape composition that comes from recordings made on the inner edge of the lagoon of Venice, on a windy day
in February 2012. The first part of the song is based on recordings made within a recreational sailing area. The second part consists of an
hydrophonic recording made in the same lagoon area on board of a small boat, drifting freely between large slabs of ice those in those days –
extremely rare – have appeared to punctuate the surface of the water, because of the big chill. This last resulting sound is caused by mechanical
rubbing of the microphone caps on ice. All song is based on field recordings digital manipulation.


The lagoon waterfront is a border area for excellence, where different parts of the ecosystem meets themselves and therefore different areas of the
lagoon soundscape, giving rise to an extremely rich and unique listening context.


Photos by Giorgio Cecchinato.