Review | By textura
Gerald Fiebig feat. EMERGE & Christian Z. Müller | Gasworks
Issued in a 500-copy CD edition, Gasworks collects five works Gerald Fiebig (b. 1973) created at the former gasworks in Augsburg-Oberhausen, two of them respective collaborations with EMERGE and Christian Z. Müller. With the site the focus of Fiebig’s artistic practice for more than a decade, it’s a space he’s come to know intimately, and the pieces, created between 2010 and 2016, reflect a broad range of explorations, including a live improvisation performed in the echo chamber of the large gas tank, processed recordings of the sounds of gas and industrial equipment, and a sound installation piece built around a 2007 interview with the late Johann Artner, a gasworks employee from 1947 to 1989. Its large metal tank, eighty-four metres high and forty-five in diameter, has afforded the Augsburg-based sound artist a wealth of reverberative sound possibilities to work with. []